

Saveing your money daily installment.You can show this Make a Loan.If you want Withdraw without hassle


Make Loan

Make a Loan for investment your business.You can paid this money daily installment.Loan growth your business profit.



Deposit your Revenue Money.You can Added this Value Monthly installment.Get into Profit when you Close this money.



Fixed your money take for interest.Deposit your money take same interest day by day.

Who We Are


The Co-operative

Microcredit is a common form of microfinance that involves an extremely small loan given to an individual to help them become self-employed or grow a small business. These borrowers tend to be low-income individuals, especially from less developed countries


Micro Banking System

Banking business means the business of receiving money on current or deposit account, paying and collecting cheques drawn by or paid in by customers, the making of advances to customers, and includes such other business as the Authority may prescribe for the purposes of this Banking

Our Happy Members

Customer testimonials are recommendations from satisfied buyers that affirm the value of a product or service. These are sometimes paid endorsements, as found with influencer marketing

Frequently Asked Questions


Go to Dishari khudro baboshaye somoy somiti limited ,take admission form.Fillups all information this form.Then Provide your NID Photo Copy,Passport Size Same Photos & Processing Fees.

How Much want Loan ? Please Provide NID,Passport Size Photos,Guarantor & Fillups Loan Form.

If you Allready A Member.Then you Deposit your money for interest.Choice your Deposit Package and Start.

Give Same Money for monthly Interest.Fillups FDR form and Fixed your Profit Share package.

If you Do not Continue this Account Please Go to Admintration Check your balance and Withdrow your Money Any time.If You want Close All Transaction in this company you take Close Account.

Check Your Save Money

Please Ensure Membership ID
& Register Phone Number